This page will feature regular updates about our products and events, as well as insights and commentary about developments of interest to entrepreneurship in the arts, publishing and education.
With a global pandemic reshuffling the deck, artists, writers, publishers and their intermediaries are are struggling to get ahead of the curve, wherever it might be. One this is certain. The world of tomorrow will be very different than the one we all knew back in 2019. With social distancing, mandatory lockdowns, furloughs, layoffs and lengthy closures, individuals and business have suffered devastating losses. Brick and mortar galleries and bookstores may survive here and there, but their primacy as marketing tools is no more.
Creative makers and their promoters must now take the initiative, to invent new ways of keeping people on touch wth the artworks, books and cultural experiences they love. My plan is to use Needlewatcher Marketplace as a kind of laboratory to develop and test pro-se marketing strategies for artists. Input and feedback is welcome
–James McElhinney. Essex, New York. August 26, 2020