I was recently informed that unknown persons entered the Higashi Hiroshima home of Masami Kodama, making off with a number of collectables including an important collection of Japanese swords. Kodama-san was hospitalized at the time of the alleged robbery. A noted sculptor, Kodama was formerly represented by Weintraub Gallery in Manhattan and Lewallen Gallery in Santa Fe. He resided in the New York metro area for nearly fifty years, before returning ten years ago to his hometown in Japan. Prior to his departure, I helped him to create a visual inventory of his nihonto collection, to help the shipper (Nippon Expressd) expedite processing by customs and law enforcement in bringing the objects into Japan. Since his departure I helped place original artworks by Kodama-san into several art museums in the U.S.A.
Kodama-san learned about Japanese swords from noted artist and collector Bumpei Usui, and graciously emulated his sensei’s example by generously sharing his knowledge and collection with others, inclduing myself. Prior to his departure, I and two others were given power of attorney in matters concerning his artworks. I am in touch with others in direct contact with Kodama-san and his family in Japan.
Should anyone see any of these swords, please notify me at once by email to: info@needlewatcher.com
James McElhinney, Owner. Needlewatcher LLC